Openoffice linux read unicode chinese
Openoffice linux read unicode chinese

openoffice linux read unicode chinese

I had a similar problem, thought it was system for a long time, but eventually found that was setting poor default Asian fonts. Language layout settings OpenOffice2.tiff (82.95 KiB) Viewed 4903 times language settings OpenOffice1.tiff (84.24 KiB) Viewed 4899 times doc (including english AND simplified chinese) How may i correctly view all the text in the body of the microsoft word. tools: options: languages settings: Asian Layout are default with the exception of 'first and last characters: Language: Chinese (simplified) selected, w/ 'default' option checked. tools: options: languages settings: languages are default with the exception of 'enhanced language support: enabled for Asian Languages' checked w/ 'default languages for documents: asian: chinese (simplified)' selected. 30% of the chinese characters appear (intermittently) as illegible square box outlines. doc with both english and chinese (simplified) characters. Running the english version of writer and opening a microsoft word. Install: OOo_2.3.0_MacOSXIntel_install_en-US.dmg

Openoffice linux read unicode chinese